Canadian Martyrs Roman Catholic
1219 - 1st Street West
Father Travis Myrheim
Father Telephone (306) 960-2627
Rectory Telephone (306) 767-2458
The Canadian Martyrs Roman Catholic Church held its services in a smaller older Church until December, 1973 when the first mass was held in a new Church. The first mass was the Christmas mass. The new Church and hall was constructed with all volunteer help. On Christmas Eve, 1998 a special Christmas mass was held to celebrate the 25th anniversary. Early in the afternoon on Christmas Day, a fire started and burned the Church to the ground.
"Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective." James 5:16
The Sacrament of Reconciliation (ie. confession, or penance) is truly a foretaste of heaven. It is not a judgmental time but rather an encounter with a loving God who desperately yearns for our hearts and to make them right. To that end, Father is always available for confession, no matter what he is doing. If you can't find him, feel free to call and make an appointment. Adoration is a special time that is set aside for confessions as well. In Carrot River, we have adoration from 6 pm - 7pm every Thursday, Zenon Park from 7 pm to 8 pm every Friday as well as before and after each Mass at each location. Father will be extremely happy to make time for your confession if need be. Please feel free to stop by during his office hours. Zenon Park Tuesday and Wednesday 9:30 am to 12 pm; Carrot River Thursday 12 pm to 6 pm and Arborfield Friday 11 am to 2 pm.
The new Church was put into use in the fall of 2001 and the official opening ceremonies were held in April, 2002. The Canadian Martyrs Roman Catholic Parish shares its leader in worship with St. Lucy's Parish in Arborfield and Paroisse Notre Dame de la Nativite in Zenon Park. Services are held on a rotating schedule as follows:
Carrot River Mennonite Church
2702 Poplar Avenue
Pastor Kevin Koop
(306) 768-2524/(306)768-2457
Carrot River Mennonite Church was incorporated in 1960, when two rural congregations formed one body of faith. We are a member of the General Conference of Mennonites in Canada. Our attendance of 125 is made up of people of all ages, with a large and growing number of young families participating in worship and services and Church activities. The Church is located on the north end of Carrot River on Highway Number 23.
The Carrot River Mennonite Church strives to be a community Church, where people of all ages are welcome. The Church strives to be a community Church for children Kindergarten to Grade 6, and a youth program for Grade 7 through 12. Both programs involve many community children. There are three women’s groups that meet monthly. The men of the Church sponsor an annual mens' fishing retreat. During the winter months, bible studies are organized. Sunday school classes available for young and old run from September to June and begin at 9:45 a.m. Sunday mornings with the worship service starting at 10:45 a.m.
Carrot River United Church
1026 - 1st Street Northeast
Office Telephone: (306) 768-2472
Fax Number: (306) 768-3087
Facebook: carrotriverunitedchurch
Since the early 1930's, the United Church of Canada has been a part of this community. Services were held in the Legion Hall until 1940 when a Church building became reality. Most of the work was done by the congregation. We were served by student ministers coming from Arborfield/Aylsham during the summer months with the occasional service by outside ministers at other times of the year. In 1952 we became the Arborfield/Carrot River Pastoral Charge and a manse was built in 1957.
Through the years Jordan River, Moosedale, Huntdale, Battle Heights and Smoky Burn Pastoral Charges dissolved and the congregations joined Carrot River. A new Church was built in 1980, at which time Pas Trail and Petaigan congregations joined with Carrot River. The congregation added an addition to the Church which included an office and Christian Education wing all made possible by a bequest.
If you are looking for a Church home, we would be happy to have you join us in worship. During the year we offer a Church school program for children from age three through Grade 9 and a nursery is available at the same time as the Church service. There is an active United Church Women's group and our choir is always open to new members.
The Carrot River Pastoral Charge of the United Church of Canada as a community of Christians are called to celebrate God's love and share the Good News in our homes, our communities and our world through worshiping together, working together and supporting one another. We seek to be an open and welcoming Church family, serving the needs of our community as we are enabled by God's leading.
Sunday School (September to June): | Every Sunday 10:00 a.m. |
Sunday Worship Services (August to June): "Holy Toast" Gatherings (August to June): | 1st and 3rd Sundays Every Month 10:00 a.m. 2nd and 4th Sundays Every Month 10:00 a.m. |
Contact Person - D. Grimes
(306) 768-3900
J-Link is short form for Jesus Link. We are an independent group of believers who gather together in the name of Jesus Christ.
Love the Lord with all your heart soul mind and strength and love your neighbour as yourself is what we aspire to do at J-link.
Our worship service starts at 4:00pm on Sunday: bible reading around 4:15. We most often have an interactive time of bible study where all can participate.
For us every Sunday is potluck Sunday. This gives us an opportunity to get to know each other better.
In the summer we often meet outdoors mostly in peoples yards. We try to keep our website up to date with location notices.
You can contact us through our website at or call anytime. All are welcome to join in.